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Tracking 2018 Top Ten – Month One

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Method #1: Open an Uphold wallet using this link. Buy or sell $250 in crypto in the first 30 days, get $20 in free BTC.  

Method #2: Sign up for Nexo using this link. Top up your account with $100 in crypto. Make sure your asset is still worth $100 in 30 days and you will receive $25 in free BTC.


Month one (January) update:

Winners – Etherium, easily – up 56.03% in the first month of the year. Ethereum was followed by Stellar Lumens up 46.88%.
Losers – Ripple was cut in half, down -50.47% followed by Bitcoin Cash which was down -43.89% in January.

Bitcoin dominance:

Fell in the month of January from 38% to 33% (down 5%).

Total Market Cap for the entire cryptocurrency sector:

Shrunk from 575B to 485B (down 16%).

Overall return on investment for January 2018:

My $1000 initial investment is now worth $792.49, a -20.75% decrease.


One of the underlying questions for the experiment is: considering how much growth there was in 2017, are cryptos still good place to put your money in 2018 compared to other investments? To have something common to compare the cryptosphere to, I will also be tracking the S&P 500 which rose in January from 2,673 to 2,823 a 6% increase.


The answer for January is a resounding NO(!), crypto was a horrible investment choice for January compared to the S&P 500. But a year is a long time, stay tuned, this is but a snapshot, not necessarily indicative of what’s to come in 2018.

Much has already changed in the first part of February, but perhaps a helpful snapshot for someone who’s on the fence/deciding whether or not to jump in to crypto (or at least any of the Top Ten).

This article contains affiliate links. If you click on a link in this article, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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74 thoughts on “Tracking 2018 Top Ten – Month One”

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